- 2016
- Made @Sportlabs
- UI/UX - Webdesign
About it
Sportlabs is a company based in London that hosted me for a 6-month internship. Their main product is Clubspark, a software that helps every tennis club in England to manage their subscribers, the revenue, the courts' rental etc. My job was to design new functionalities and upgrade some old ones.
The Web App
I worked with an external UX designer on several pieces of the web app to increase the global quality of the app. I worked on table optimisation, tutorial, creating new functionality blocks. This project was very challenging for me because there was some very precise and detailed design to provide.

The Mobile App
Another part of my job for Clubspark was to create a complete app for tennis tournaments management. I based my design on an old version made few years ago. The task was to create an app easily usable on the fly during a tennis tournament. I also designed the app's logo.